First of all I want to share this with you guys, it's an amazing wall hand-painted animation by "blu"? -gO4
It's sweet, kinda like let's say....animation Banksy? He has more of the wall painted stuff: zdmE&eurl= /blu/
And some animations: MVqg&eurl= /blu/
All of them really creative and awesome. You can check his site out : For more of his works, and his youtube site too. Also found this, which is of another author but around the same experimental ways: bUuE (so cool)
Secondly, the CONTEST!!!!!! (yay don't you ng ppl love them) well, it's simple.... all you have to do is create a new avatar for my Newgrounds account (48x48 pixels I guess?) that I will be using because the one I have right now is fucking horrible, I can't seem to create something 48x48 that looks ok, and I AM PISSED. Try to do something like....a guy with a skull mask... kind of like the profile picture I have.
Prize: A 24 frame piece of animation about anything you want, totally made by me, fbf to the max.
CONTEST ENDS: June 20. Thanks :)
get Paint.NET and resise your profile pic to 46x46